Saturday, June 19, 2010


Hey ya good men and gentle ladies :)

Topic is 'Chocolate', ergo the chocolate (brown) font! Hehe.

So about this time yesterday, something delightful happened. Only during this time, though.

Because before that, I was not in an entirely good mood.

Germany lost to Serbia (how could that be, right?!), and I had a fight with my ex. And I don't remember what else, but it all came down to the fact that I just did not have any mood, good or bad.

So I posted the following as my status update on Facebook:

"I need chocolate. Lots of 'em. If any of you would be kind enough to give me some, it would be great. Call me. I'm serious. *muka serious*"

Only eccentric people would take that seriously, yea? Of course it was somewhat a joke, to highlight my frustration.

Apparently, there are some eccentric people out there, God bless them.

I turned on my Facebook chat and then Dian messaged me. She requested me to not sleep yet and that she'd call around before 12 midnight, but she had something to do first. I was like, yeah, sure.

Came 12AM and she didn't call, so I tucked into bed and read a novel. Then a few minutes after that, she called.

She told me she was outside my house. I was like, WTF?! I asked her who she was with but she didn't tell. She just asked me to come down.

So I scrambled around looking for a bra to put on, as some of you may already know, I don't wear them at night. I was wearing my caftan, though.

So I went down to meet her. She was with Faiz, her friend that I've met only once. Dian was like, Faiz has something for you. So I scrunched my face into a bewildered expression, wondering what on earth could this stranger have in store for me.

You guessed it, he held up a plastic bag with assorted chocolates in them AND an ice-cream. God knows I did not see that coming.

Friday, June 18, 2010

First Entry For Two-Oh-One-Oh

Hellooooo readers!

I know it's been awhile (awhile would be an understatement, yes?), but I won't give the excuse that I had been busy. Excuses are not meant to be entertained, anyway.

Shamefully, I had been indolent. You can say lazy, but I wouldn't want to appear too cheap hehe.

It's uh-maaayy-zing how some of my friends keep their blogs incessantly updated, like Esah, Nadia, and Nisa Rashid to name a few. Amir Hamzah tak payah cerita lah! Dah boleh qualify to be a published author dah.

How could I have let this happened when I claim myself to be an avid writer? No excuse, really. Maybe there were too many other things I was too involved in.

However, watch out for more entries!

Much love, peeps <3

And gooo Germany for World Cup 2010! Haha.