Last night I was having dinner with my best friend and some crowd. One of them was saying about herself being cash-strapped, granted Allah s.w.t. doesn't rob her completely off money; and it brought me back to this experience I once had and I feel compelled to ink it down.
I was a teenager then, doing secondary school. My parents would provide me allowance on a monthly basis. Towards the end of a particular month, I was actually short of money. Maybe I had overspent it for shopping of some sort. But of course, knowing that I had the responsibility to keep my money in check, I shouldn't be asking my parents for extra. I didn't really feel like it at that time, anyway. I had very little money, but I knew I could still survive on that small amount, and it was during the last week of the month, anyway. Plus, school foods aren't expensive.
Then one day at the beginning of the week, I had a dream. Someone, or rather, something told me to open up the Quran to a certain surah, I can't remember which but I think it might have began with the letter 'F'.
When I woke up, I thought nothing of the dream. It was just a dream, wasn't it? Or was it just a dream? Okay, now I'm just confusing myself. Well, nevertheless, out of curiosity, I took out the Quran, and what should I have found there but MONEY! Money, I tell you! A solid RM15. Phew.
I was of course awe-stricken (from the word awe-struck LOL I'm not entirely sure if it can be changed to awe-stricken). So yes, somehow or rather, God (or could it have been Satan?) have helped me to go through the week not money-less. I feel... Well, until now I couldn't really put how I feel about that situation, but just purely flabbergasted.
Would you have taken the money or left it there? Would you think it's a trick... or treat? (LOL okay that was super lame).