Friday, January 9, 2009

My Respond to Anonymous (because it doesn't fit the comment box).

I think I know who you are. 
Not brave enough to reveal yourself? 

1. I do know what I want and definitely know what I should do. What I want is not what YOU THINK I want. That's where you're wrong. Don't talk about things you don't know, sucker. Therefore, it's not called "cheating" as you so put it as I was actually showing my true "ugly colour". Plus, I never blamed the backstabbers for 'what happened'. I'm just pointing out their cruelty.  

2. I know what responsibility is and I definitely know where I stand. What I don't understand is how the backstabbers ASSUMED responsibility to be in charge. What the hell, who gives them the authority to be THE BOSS FROM HELL? As far as I'm concerned, it was supposed to be a teamwork, yet these oh-so-innocent backstabbers segregated work. Without consulting. Were they really the smartest above all? My memory tells me I have been the one acing above those three backstabbers throughout the semester (not to boast).  

3. Cosmetic is just cosmetic. Sweet talker is just sweet talker. There are fine lines between these two and being a hypocrite. I may wear a bit of makeup, but what does that have to do with people's perception towards me? The thicker the makeup, the more innocent I am? And what is sweet talker? Sweet talker is a thing for playboys and playgirls. I don't sweet talk. I TALK NICELY. I am not rude. Being hypocrites have nothing to do with wearing makeup or being nice. I never asked the backstabbers to do my work. I did my part in the end even if it was a bit late (which, in fact isn't actually late, even to the lecturer). You say the backstabbers kept it silent? If that were true, tomorrow would be Armageddon. They had problems with me, but whom should they discuss it with but me? They told everyone else but not me. Tell me how is that fair, how? If they really wanted to be friends with this "hmmmmm", they should've had a "heart-to-heart" talk with me saying I haven't been doing anything, to solve the problem. In reality, the problem started with those backstabbers.  

4. I never kept it silent. I think the backstabbers are SHALLOW DUMB enough to "reveal the truth" to others but to myself. It shows how lowly they are and how narrow-minded. Yes, IT IS QUITE A SHAME. (no pun intended).  

5. I know I will survive now and forever I will. I can live friendless if that's what the backstabbers were hoping for. The ones that are loyal to me will stay loyal because they are not people like the backstabbers. The backstabbers were competitive, and when they finally caught up with me and found they are not worthy to even be on my mind, they sabotaged me. The loyal ones are what you call real friends. They will never do my work so long as we do it together. I know they will have their own life later (hell, even now) and can't so "do my work". I never expect them to comb my hair for me, I never expect them to pull a baby out of my womb. I may not know exactly what kind of friends I'm searching for, what I do know is I do not ever want friends like those backstabbers.  

6. Being lucky may last forever. Fate shall last forever. It's the face that doesn't last forever, my dear Anonymous. But who doesn't have 'the face'? Everyone is beautiful so long as they know how to be (and I'm not talking about putting on makeups). I know what Allah has given me and I'm highly grateful beyond your wildest guess. You're saying I am not using my face "the right way"? Because I have an innocent expression pasted on me permanently? Ugly people (if there are any) can also have innocent expressions. So what, people really judge books by their covers nowadays? I, who stand with dignity, take in no such thing. So let me get this straight; just because I don't make dull, serious and intelligent expressions 24/7, I'm not using my face the right way? Right. 
I wasn't born with the face because I am lucky, love. I was born with the face because it's in my genes (no hard feelings).  

7. Oh the readers won't hate you, Anonymous. The readers might pity you, yes. For being so narrow-minded. This comment space is open for ANYTHING. That's why your comment is still there (and I request you yourself won't delete it once you've read mine). I'm nothing near ashamed of what you have said of me.  

8. Why on earth should I disclose the names of the backstabbers? Why on earth not? I don't intend to disgrace them, I don't intend to discriminate them. I'm merely realizing my situation. 
This my journal. I'm not about to use X, Y, Z or Anggerik, Melur, Orkid. 
Siapa makan cili, dia yang rasa pedas.  

9. I don't like it when people are hating each other. I am not George W. Bush. I don't create wars. I know my readers won't hate the people in the list a.k.a the backstabbers because my readers are mature readers and they can think for themselves. Why would they hate someone just because I do? Logically. Seriously. If you think they are susceptible, then you are sadly misguided. I still have friends who are friends with me, and they knew what had happened between me and the backstabbers, yet they maintained relationships with both sides. Did I protest? No.
Haven't you noticed? Do you have holes for eyes
You are single-minded to the point of recklessness.  

Yes, I am ashamed and I do regret for having to be associated with the backstabbers. But then again, they opened my eyes.  

It's normal for bitches to talk shit about others, but it takes a real bitch not to give a shit about it. 
Guess who's the real bitch?  

Curses come home to roost.  

Your English sucks. 
No wonder you didn't get an A.
This is my blog and I write whatever I want in it as I please. 
Go feed yourself some dignity. And English grammar, too, come to that.


Anonymous said...

Huril.... Panjang sangat lah.. Penat nak baca lol.

farhannazmey said...

huril..i bkn nk masuk campur ur hal..or being busy body..just maybe there is a way to solve out this matter.sebab kalo berterusan cmni sure xhappy kan? kalo xhappy hidup pun xbest :) tapi hanye memberikan pendapat :)

Huril 'Ain said...

ohh saya happy jeww (:
cuma, kalau org attack, kite attack balik la kan?

maybe the only way to keep things personal between just myself & i, i shall make my blog private. so i can peruse it myself alone in the future and gelak sorang2. takyah susahkan sape2 or sakitkan hati sape2.

journals used to be private anyway.

i really don't need people criticizing on how i feel. (not meant for the positive comments hehe)

tapi farhan, i highly appreciate ur opinion ^.^
thank u!
ps, as far as i'm concerned, this matter is solved for me. heeee.

Anonymous said...

farhan, i also highly appreciate ur opinion.

so, comment kt page ak plak.

Jini said...

sabar je lah huril. nak buat camana. huhu..

sometimes, misscommunication kills!

-sampai takut nih nak tulih comment kot english. takut huril check grammar kiter. hehe-

Huril 'Ain said...

ahahha kite tak check la!
"org tu" jeeeee...
sebab tgh geraaaammmm.....
satu, geram ape dia tulis.
dua, geram tak faham ape dia tulis kena baca 3 kali! ahahahha...

tu yg kena attack ganas2 tuh ^.^

look within said...


breath girl..
breath deep inside =p
ni mmg pissed off gile..
huhu.. i bace ur post nie pun, i dh rase ape yg membakar kat hati u tue..

bykkn bersabar ye..
ignore je Anonymous tue...mmg die tu narrow-minded la kot..
yg penting, what u have been through dah cukup tuk wat u rase cmtu..
u deserved to feel that way if the backstabbers treated u the way they did.
let the past be the past...

yng penting, jgn la kite wat kat org...biar la org wat kt kite, nnt Allah akan bals jugak soon enuf.

ape yg berlaku pasti ader hikmahnye.
i wish u all the best in the future in your friendship. true friends are always exist. in just the mean of time for them to appear. gud luck once again!

Huril 'Ain said...

thanks, nisa!
*breathing haha*
mmg tgh sabar nih....
tgh tulis that comment hari tu mmg panas gile..
skrang okay dah je...
no hal (:
benda dah lepas mmg malas nk ungkit.
tapi si anonymous tu ungkit kan... nak buat caner..

look within said...

tu la..
si anonymous tu mmg cari pasal dgn u kot..

Huril 'Ain said...

tu lah. skrang takde comment plak.
tau takott hahaha...

Anonymous said...

idup anonymous!

Anonymous said...

yadayada , bla bla ,*some more gibberish* . There's plenty of drama going on here , kesian Huril .. I think you've lost your sanity since you haven't kept in touch with me . You know what , Im going to stay anonymous and let you guess ! see if you ingat your kawan yang terlalu baik lol

Huril 'Ain said...

ahahahha sah aku tak ingat la deven oiiii... eh chup, bukan tak ingat, taktau laa ur BATMAN now hahaha... anyway yes, plenty of drama (:

Anis said...

hye,i was reading thru some blogs and accidentally landed on yours.:)
oh such people really do exist!
i thought only im the one who has to face those kind of people.
they are MAJOR pain in the ass i tell you. i deal with these sort of people. everyday single day.somehow i felt like they are martians. so narrow minded and give you "the look" every time you pass by them.*sigh*
i am in the same case as you are.
accused of using the "innocent face" for something that i want. what can we do about it right? like you said, its in the genes. i am not that good looking either.but,people do fall for the face. magically. haha.unfortunately, it causes so many trouble. :(
but wow! you did a really good job for standing on your own feet. :)

Anonymous said...

u think u r so good ka?

Jini said...

haha. oscar ni rumit tul lah..

anggaplah dia iklan je huril..


Anonymous said...

Naaahh... life = controlling emotions

Nadia Nasir said...

woooh nice one haha.

Huril 'Ain said...

lol apenyeee yg nice nadiaaa...