Saturday, March 7, 2009

Why Study?

A few years back, in 2004 to be exact, my family and I went to the United Kingdom.
There, we went to Oxford, you know, where one of the greatest universities is located =P

From one of the shops, I bought this t-shirt that I haven't been wearing for quite some time.
When I bought it, it was pretty large for my size [I'm bite-size, yes].
And I wore it a few days back [which the t-shirt has now magically shrunk].

Having it bought at Oxford, here's what the t-shirt says:

The more I study,
The more I know.
The more I know,
The more I forget.
The more I forget,
The less I know.

Just thought I'd share it with you all (:


hikayat aku dan mereka said...

kelakar la.. hehe...

amir hamzah said...

Life is full of things we'll never understand...
contohnye cam MAF

Anonymous said...

the t-shirt has magically shrunk ek huril?? haha klakar jee.
btw best gle t-shirt ni.letak la gmbr bju tu..hee
nk tgk! =)

cik penguin said...

lol. nice tee. =P

Huril 'Ain said...

nur: tau takpe!

ame: tak perlu la selitkan perkataan MAF ahahha.

y: ooo u nak kata i dah gemok la?!?!?!

penguin: hehe credits to the brits =P

Anonymous said...

Ayfiq said this to me before XD.

Huril 'Ain said...

ye laaaaaaaaa ayfiq je laaaa!!!

Anonymous said...

Why live?

AishahReen Musa said...

haha.sgt suke kate2 itu.....

Y =) said...

tak la Huril!
act u tk gemuk pon.
tk nmpk gemuk pon.
n if u gemuk pon mst comelnyee
dont worry :)